We create effective communications, design and architecture. See more >>



Drawing area: biggest canvas
Site area: biggest screen
Program: clear information

Design is so simple. That's why it's so complicated.
- Paul Rand


// SLOVENIAN PHILHARMONIC promotional materials and concept of advertising campaign

// TOBAČNA LJUBLJANA brand and visual identity for the chain of kiosks

// ŽURNAL (Styria Medien A.G.) creative name solution and appearance design of daily newspaper

// MIR meat industry Radgona AVE brand, visual image, packaging design and television ads

// DELO REVIJE graphic design, layout and design of magazines

// ASOLSME AG corporate identity, internet portal, promotional printed matter

// EKO market. Corporate identity

// KLINIČNI CENTER Ljubljana graphic design of the information system

// HYPO LEASING promotional systems, corporate advertising

// FIERA MILANO ad campaign

// KVS200 industrial design of emergency call posts along highways

// FRIZERAJ graphic equipment of a hair salon

// GOLDEN DRUM Corbis ad selection

// DEMOKRACIJA renewal of the media and media approach

// FINŽGARJEVA GALERIJA holistic graphic identity

// SIQ SLOVENIAN INSTITUTE OF QUALITY promotional printed matter and graphics

// LIFE HEALING Toronto corporate identity and packaging, promotional printed matter

// TEGRAD PAP corporate identity, promotional printed matter

// NOVA GENERACIJA graphic identity

// ANGELIN vrtec corporate identity

// GZS Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia promotional materials during the visit of the Hong Kong ministerial delegation

// EVOLVE graphic identity and website

// GSK GlaxoSmithKline graphic guidance system, promotional printed matter

// OPTIINSURE integrated graphic identity and website

// BUSINESS LUNCH MI corporate identity and advertisements

// SUITE HOTEL KLASS corporate identity

// MARČEVE IDE name, conceptual design and graphic identity of the conference

// MEDIA SOLUTIONS + concept, integration into the environment and visual identity of an innovative media approach


We are committed to providing our customers with the best solutions, offering tailor-made service across various fields such as architecture, interior design, graphic design, and more.

To ensure optimal results, we assemble a skilled team of professionals to collaborate effectively on each project.

REPUBLIKA™ is a registered trade mark.


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